Friday, February 10, 2012

I'm not saying all women are smarter than me, but...

I don't have a lot of "rules to live by," but one that I follow religiously is to always do whatever a woman tells me to do.

This is a corollary to my unwavering belief that the smartest, most organized people in the world are women without children. Seriously, these are the people you want to turn to if you need something done.

Why women without children? Because once a woman has children, she becomes mentally disabled. I say this with no disrespect, but it's true. Mothers -- especially mothers of multiple kids -- are usually shells of their former selves in terms of their mental faculties.

(I have a theory as to why that is, by the way. When a baby forms inside its mother's womb, it obviously needs brain cells, right? There can only be so many brain cells in the world at a given time, and I believe the baby simply takes its brain cells from its mother. Good for the baby, but not so good for the mom, whose IQ drops 15 to 20 points with every child she bears.)

Still, this is all relative. Moms, in my experience, tend to lose their edge over time, but they're still a lot smarter than me, and probably smarter than most fathers in general. But I'll say this for we dads: We may start at a low level, but we pretty much stay there our entire lives. There's not the same dropoff you see with moms.

So, ladies, that guy you live with who consistently leaves a wet towel on the bathroom floor after he showers? Yeah, he probably won't ever stop doing that. BUT...he probably won't get much worse, either. You can take some solace in that.

In any case, whether they have children or not, I take very seriously the advice and/or outright commands I get from women, because most of the time they're right.

If I had any sort of ego, I might be offended when I hear myself say that. But I've been married for almost 20 years and I have five kids. Whatever pride and vanity I had was crushed long ago. Nowadays, I just want to know the right thing to do, and I don't care whether the person guiding me is a man, a woman, or something in between. When I need to be pointed in the right direction, who you are is of no automatic consequence to me.

Thus, I'm going with whomever seems to know what they're doing, and most of the time that's a female.

Not that guys aren't ever right. Some of the smartest people I know are men. But I'm just playing the odds here. I think back to when I was a kid, and I look at the decisions made, say, by me and my friends on one hand, and the girls I knew on the other.

When the girls got together, they would usually do fun, responsible, girl-type things. But my friends? Not so much. We would regularly put ourselves in mortal danger without any real understanding that we were even doing it.

Case in point: The railroad tracks. There was a period of three years or so (say ages 11 through almost 14) when we spent a lot of time hanging out around the tracks. There were at least 47 ways to kill yourself on and around the tracks, from falling off the light towers we always climbed to slipping under the slow-moving trains we used to hop aboard. For all intents and purposes, we were mentally retarded, but we sure had a good time.

The girls didn't do stuff like that. They were too smart. We would come home all muddy and smelly from the tracks (I would often jump into the dirty sewage runoff creeks around the tracks, did I mention that?), and I think my mom would sometimes wonder why God only gave her two daughters.

Anyway, I look back on that now and I realize my decision-making abilities were compromised at an early age, as were those of virtually every guy I know. So just to be on the safe side, I trust the women.

Except when it comes to why so many of them are afraid of tiny, harmless spiders. That part I don't get. But everything else? Yeah, ya gotta side with the estrogen, guys.


  1. As an older mom of 3 kids ages 30, 20, and 11, I can tell you that moms of kids are much more "street smart" than any man or woman without kids! As for the spiders; we gotta leave something for the men to do!

  2. Herbalmom: I'll definitely give you that! I think you moms are just smarter than us in general (and actually much more leaving the spiders to us, it makes us feel important. So sneaky you are!)
