Friday, March 22, 2013

Friday's random thoughts

(1) My dad used to tell a joke that involved Native American women and, I think, Lewis and Clark for which the punchline was "the Indian-Nipple-Less 500." This is essentially all you need to know about my father's particular brand of humor.

(2) Incidentally, thought #1 is also all you need to know about why I'll probably never write a book. Books require thought, planning and structure. I have ADHD of the computer keyboard and am utterly incapable of spending more than about four sentences on a single thought. And this is the fourth sentence on this particular thought.

(3) Having a college freshman daughter is interesting in many ways, not the least of which is that I feel obliged suddenly to treat her like an adult. Which I should, of course, seeing that she'll be 19 in a couple of days. She comes and goes as she pleases in her own little car. She works a job. She responsibly attends classes and keeps up with her schoolwork. All very adult things. Then I find myself having to instruct her to hand wash  the salad bowl she takes to work because the dishwasher is − fairly obviously, in my eyes − full. And then dry it. And then put it away. And suddenly she seems 8 years old to me again (even though this is something many adults do). And those little moments, which two years ago would have frustrated me, actually make me smile now.

(4) I still don't fold a lot of laundry in our house (consistent with this blog post from last April). I have no real desire to up my folding output, either. But when I do fold a basket of clothes, do you know what the most satisfying thing to fold is? Bras. Really. Just go cup-in-cup and, boom, that baby is ready to be put away! It's a good feeling.

(5) Have we talked about my love for The Flintstones here before? I can't remember. Let me consult Google and see....OK, Google suggests the 'Stones have been mentioned here before, but never actually dwelt upon. I won't dwell upon them now, other than to point out a fairly consistent injustice that always bothered me. Remember those times when Fred, Wilma, Barney and Betty would go out for a little night on the town? They did it more than once. And whenever they did, the boys would change out of their daily caveman outfits and put on tuxes and tails. I thought they looked nice. And what would the wives do to get ready to go out? Put on earrings. Really, that was it. They just put on earrings. Same dresses as normal, same hairdos. Just a pair of dangly earrings and nothing else. C'mon, Wilma and Betty! At least try a little.

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