Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Think twice (or three times) before giving a nasty reply

Just wanted to throw something out there:

One of the wonderful things about the Internet is the ability for people from all around the world to come together in one place and discuss relevant issues.

Or at least it would be one of the wonderful things about the Internet if people weren't so horrible. But they are horrible, and the result is that online chat forums and comments sections under news articles are infested by nasty types spewing hatred and ignorance.

Sorry, that's just the way it is. Even Facebook is infected with folks spouting off on topics about which they know almost nothing.

The Bible, as usual, has good advice here. Throughout the book of Proverbs and elsewhere, you'll find admonitions to listen a lot more than you speak. Holding your tongue can be a wonderful thing.

So the next time you read something online that irritates you (which for some people is apparently every 38 seconds), before you reply, just stop for a second. Hold off. Come back to it five minutes later, if you can. And if you still feel the need to reply, then go ahead. Your response is likely to be more rational and, hopefully, more courteous.

I'm telling you, you'll be a lot better off if you do this. That Abraham Lincoln quote about it being better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt is spot on.

OK, please go on with your day. And be nice, OK?

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