Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Top four things I think about while driving to and from work

(1) People are idiots
It's not so much that they can't drive. I'm sure most are actually quite capable of driving well. It's that they refuse to drive in anything other than a selfish, reckless manner. Stop it! Stop driving that way! You're going to kill the both of us! Will you be satisfied then? (NOTE: That's something your mom would say, isn't it?)

(2) What I am going to do when gas costs $20 a gallon?
Because that's going to happen, apparently. At least according to a book titled, creatively enough, "$20 Per Gallon: How the Inevitable Rise in the Price of Gasoline Will Change Our Lives for the Better." I haven't read the book, but I do know that we in the U.S. pay an absurdly low price for gas, at least in comparison to drivers in many (most) other countries. But if it gets to the point that I can no longer afford the gas required for my 70-mile daily roundtrip commute, I suppose my only alternative will be to become a shepherd. The pay isn't great, but the exercise and outdoor time make up for it.

(3) Who are all these people and where are they going?
There aren't that many people in the whole Cleveland area who have jobs, are there? Because if so, 100% of them are apparently on the road with me at any given time. Seriously, they must all just follow me around. This isn't Chicago, New York or L.A. This is Northeast Ohio. We don't DO traffic here. WHO ARE ALL OF THESE PEOPLE?

(4) Seriously, people are idiots
I want to come back to this point because I can never stress it enough, either to you or to myself. Driving on an interstate is a borderline suicidal activity. There's a healthy chance that, on any given day, someone driving near you will do something stupid, thus causing you to wreck and potentially ending your life. Yet millions of us still do it every day. What are we thinking? These people (NOTE: "These people" is defined as "anyone who doesn't drive exactly as I think they should.") are maniacs!

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