Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Are you bad at telling jokes? You can be 100% better in 8 minutes.

Look, I know, 8 minutes doesn't sound like a lot of time, but it IS a lot of time in this day and age. You've got things to do like, I don't know, watch "Alf" reruns or play Candy Crush on your phone or read this blog. Important things.

But if you're someone who ever tells a joke, or if you're a fan of stand-up comedy, or both, this 8-minute breakdown of what makes one hilarious joke by the comedian Louis CK truly funny is for you. This is fascinating stuff. Not to mention the fact that the joke itself is great, to be appreciated particularly by anyone who has ever had to take care of little kids.

Here it is:

Wasn't that cool? I know that neither you nor I necessarily have Louis CK's talent for telling a story, but that doesn't matter. What matters are the elements of the joke and presenting them right, and being committed to the joke. That's how you get laughs.

I'm taking this too seriously, aren't I? I don't know. I just really appreciate a well-told joke. If you're going to tell it, tell it right. That's all I'm saying.

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