Sunday, February 28, 2021

What is a household chore you do absolutely every day?

My days tend to vary, which I like, but there are two things that happen every morning, virtually without exception:

(1)  I feed our five cats, give them fresh water, scoop out all five of their litter boxes, and sweep around those litter boxes.

(2) I empty the dishwasher (having most likely been the one who loaded and started it the night before).

Unless I am traveling and away from home for one reason or another, these are unchanging parts of my daily schedule.

There is a certain comfort in the routine, I'll admit, though I always feel better having tackled these chores than I do when I'm starting to tackle them.

The one tiny variation with the litter box box thing is that, on Sunday mornings, I sweep a much larger area of the basement, since there are always pockets of stray litter that somehow get transported as far as 30 or 40 feet away.

Other than that, it's the same thing over and over and over. They're jobs that have to get done, and someone has to do them, and it just happens to be me.

How about you? What is on your to-do list almost every day of your life?

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