Saturday, April 17, 2021

I am easily impressed, but our new "smart" washer is incredibly cool

Terry and I are not, it must be said, early adopters when it comes to appliances.

Until recently, we had the same, old-school, analog washer and dryer. And admittedly they worked just fine, especially when you consider how many loads of laundry we put them through each week.

Recently, though, we bought a brand-new LG washer and dryer, and let me just say that the technology that goes into cleaning clothes has advanced a tad since our last purchase.

As the person who does most of the laundry in the house, I am suitably impressed by the fact that the washer:
  • Weighs the clothes you put into it and decides how much water to use.
  • Takes that information and calculates the exact duration of the washing cycle (and displays that information for you in a countdown timer)
  • Has a much larger capacity than our previous washer despite taking up slightly less space
  • Can be operated remotely through your phone
This last point is, admittedly, silly. Or at least it is to me. I cannot imagine a circumstance in which I would need to operate my washer from 1,000 miles away. BUT...if the need arises, I'm able to do that.

As for the dryer, it hasn't yet arrived as I type this, but I expect to be equally impressed.

My dad, a gadget guy if there ever was one, would have bought these appliances years ago if he were still around, but we held out.

Now I'm glad we essentially have the same washer and dryer as the family in "Lost and Space."

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