Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Do you have a favorite year of your life?

I was a history major, and I often use the past to help better understand the present, but that's the full extent to which I look backwards.

Other than that, I'm very much a "live in the moment" kind of person.

Which is why, if you ask me what my favorite year is, I'll always say the one in which I'm living right now. And I mean that.

But if you really pinned me down and forced me to pick a year I especially enjoyed, the first one that pops into my head is 1987.

It was a good time all around. It spanned my junior and senior years of high school. It was the first full calendar year in which I dated Terry. It was a 12-month period in which I matured appreciably (which was probably related to the fact that I was dating Terry).

I also got my first speeding ticket that year, and I'm sure there were a few other missteps over those 365 days. But taken as a whole, 1987 was a solid time for me.

I would also nominate 1992 when we were married, and the years 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, and 2006, as those were the years our kids were born.

Really, though, I have no room to complain about anything, so the reality is that any year in which I'm upright and breathing is a good one.

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