Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Can we keep our yard at graduation party levels of nice?

Not our yard. Or our house. Or our car. In case you were wondering.

We recently held Jack's graduation party. That evening, after much of the clean-up was finished, I fell into a chair and said to Terry, "I have an idea...let's never do this again."

Which of course we won't, since Jack is our youngest. Oh, if/when we have grandchildren and they have their own grad parties, we'll help in every way possible.

But never again will we be in charge of the preparations, and that's a good thing.

Grad parties are exhausting, and not just on party day itself. The prep takes weeks. The clean-up takes days.

Here's the one upside of hosting a grad party at your house, though: Your yard has never looked so nice.

Jack's party was in mid-June. Starting in mid-May, we weeded, power washed, mulched, mowed, trimmed and generally transformed our property into something presentable.

Not Yard of the Year presentable, but certainly grad party-worthy.

The question is, are we going to do what's necessarily to maintain it?

Summers are busy for us, and there are going to be stretches when we're simply not home.

On the other hand, life is so much simpler the following year if you keep up with yardwork the summer before.

The smart money says we'll keep it looking good for maybe a year.

Check back with me in summer 2024.

1 comment:

  1. Scott you think grad parties are exausti f you still have 2 more lovely daughters who will marry someday bridal showers to plan and possibly baby showers also I had to plan both a bridal shower and baby shower two weeks apart.
