Wednesday, October 11, 2023

In every successful marriage there is a division of labor

(NOTE: This post originally appeared on the blog on December 26, 2011. I resurrect it now because I've been thinking about this topic lately, and also admittedly because there are just some days when fresh new material is hard to come by...)

Paul Reiser, one of my favorite comedians, wrote the best description I've ever read of the way household tasks are divvied up in a marriage.

In his book "Couplehood"  a great and funny read, by the way  Reiser explained there will always be tasks neither the husband nor the wife (nor the kids, for that matter) really want to handle. But there's always one of you who hates a given job more than the other, so generally speaking, it should be assigned to the person who hates it less.

This makes a lot of sense to me.

For example, I don't relish the thought of cleaning the cat litter boxes every morning. But ever since June 1993, when Terry became pregnant with Elissa, it has been my job. This is because cat waste poses a real health threat to pregnant woman, and especially with that first baby, you don't take any chances.

I think the disease is called toxoplasmosis, though I didn't look it up, and as far as I know it may not actually be a disease at all but rather a concept pregnant women made up to get out of doing stuff around the house.

Anyway, Terry will be having no more babies. Therefore, one could surmise that she is yet again a candidate to clean the litter boxes. But she doesn't, and that's fine with me. There are plenty of other things she does that I wouldn't want anything to do with, and I've been married long enough to know when to leave well enough alone.

For the record, the other jobs I usually take on in our house include lawn maintenance, cleaning the bathrooms, washing the kitchen floor, taking care of the dishes, general kitchen tidying, and some of the laundry. Being a stay-at-home mom, Terry has always done more than her share of unpleasant tasks while I'm at work, and that's not even taking into account the cooking (of which she does virtually 100%) and general pick-up duties she handles that would exhaust me if I had to do them every day.

I do remember one area in which we never did come to any sort of compromise, though. This was back in the days when we had babies in the house and one would wake up crying in the middle of the night.

Neither of us is particularly proud of this, but we both now admit to often pretending to be asleep, hoping that would prompt the other person to get out of bed, fetch the tot, change his or her diaper, and either restore order or prep them for breastfeeding time.

That last point is key. Terry breastfed all of the kids. This is a job, again as Paul Reiser so deftly points out, that only female persons are equipped to handle. To me, this is one of God's greatest design inspirations.

In all fairness, then, it should have been me who got up, changed the diaper and brought the baby downstairs, since in all cases it was Terry who did the subsequent feeding while I fell back asleep in approximately 7 seconds.

In my defense, I DID usually have to get up for work the next morning, and I milked (haha!) that excuse relentlessly to the point that, in the end, while I bet I attended to the babies more often than Terry, it wasn't by much...maybe a 55-45 split.

If I were a good person, I would bring this to a close by offering some sort of inspiration and advice to young married couples or those thinking about marriage. But I am not, so let me just say that if you're going to do the pretend-to-be-asleep thing, don't let your spouse catch you opening one eye to see if they're awake. Then you're busted and your whole night is ruined.

You're welcome.


  1. There needs to be some research done on how many partners inherit life-long litter box duty during pregnancies.
    Opportunity for dude companies, like beer and razor blades to do some cross marketing, maybe?
