Monday, November 27, 2023

It's the silly stuff your children and grandchildren will remember about you

I'm typing this just hours after we held my father-in-law Tom's Celebration of Life service at our church. It was a wonderfully fun and emotional time as we remembered a man who played such an important role in each of our lives.

As we heard stories about Tom from his children and grandchildren, what struck me was the kinds of memories they chose to share.

Some were about the important life lessons Tom taught, but more often than not, it was the silly stuff that stuck in their minds.

Like how, when the kids rode in a car with him and things got too quiet, Tom would suddenly yell. Out of nowhere he would let out a scream, causing everyone in the car to jump and then laugh.

Or the way, when my sister-in-law Chris and brother-in-law Dave were little, they would hide from their dad under the kitchen table when it was time to go upstairs for bed. He would playfully try (and intentionally fail) to reach down and grab them as they slithered away from him under the table, all while giggling, of course. Finally he would "catch" them, tickle them, and put them up on his shoulders to head for their bedrooms.

Or how funny he thought he was when he would greet my youngest son with a hearty "Hi Jack!", followed by a sly grin and a hastily added, "You shouldn't ever say that on an airplane."

No one thought Tom was funnier than Tom did.

The point is, your kids and grandkids may or may not remember the serious, weighty stuff you tell them  though I hope they do  but they'll almost always retain the stuff you said and did when you were just being Mom, Dad, Grandma or Grandpa.

If you're still blessed to have young ones in your house, or to be their grandparent, that's not a bad thing to keep in mind as the years roll by.

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