Monday, June 24, 2024

This is the 1,000th post in the history of this blog

Except it kind of isn't.

I mean technically, yes, there are now exactly 1,000 posts on the blog covering a span of more than 17 years. In that sense, yay for a cool milestone!

It's just that the first 26 posts chronologically, from late 2006 and early 2007, weren't really written for this blog. They appeared on a separate, short-lived blog from that time in which I chronicled my experiences as a contestant on The Price Is Right.

That blog, like this one, was constructed on the platform, so a couple of years ago I decided to migrate those 26 posts over to this space, which is relatively easy to do on Blogger. It was a nice way to ensure that little bit of history didn't get lost in cyberspace, since the old Price Is Right blog is now long gone.

Anyway, technicalities aside, 1,000 is a nice round number, and it provides an occasion to say thank you for popping in and reading these little essays. Whether you're someone who reads all three new posts every week or are just an occasional visitor, your patronage is greatly appreciated.

Since I started this blog in late 2011, my pattern has been to post regularly for a time, then to put the whole thing on hold for extended periods while I attended to other parts of my life.

This latest stretch of regular writing has lasted almost exactly one year. I started my current three-times-a-week blogging cadence on June 23, 2023, and here we are, still plugging away with new content on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings.

It's difficult sometimes to come up with topics about which to write, but I'm able to brainstorm just enough material  and sprinkle in the occasional "Blog Rerun"  that this one year of posting is probably the longest uninterrupted stretch I've had.

Again, though, none of it matters if there's no one on the other end of the line to read it, and to engage with the posts on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. And so I say once more, thank you.

Let's see if we can get to 2,000 posts now.

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