It should be noted that my sick daughter looked far better than this virtual woman cooked up by the AI Blog Post Image Generator.
Last month my daughter Melanie woke up with a 103-degree fever, chills and a generally rotten sick feeling. She texted Terry, who went and picked her up and took her to the urgent care.
After being diagnosed with an unknown virus, Mel came to our house and spent the rest of the day (and night, and much of the next two days) on our couch.
Terry waited on her and made her feel as comfortable as possible. I felt so bad for Mel, but I'll admit it was nice having her around.
I was working from home, and at one point in the afternoon I came downstairs from my office to find both Melanie and Terry fast asleep on the couch. The last time that happened was probably 2001 when Mel was a baby and an exhausted Terry would nurse her there.
It was a very sweet and nostalgic scene.
You want your kids to grow up and move out and be independent, but you inevitably miss them when they do.
So these little visits – even if they result from less-than-ideal circumstances – are kind of nice.
And the best part? Mel got better, and the only person who caught whatever she had was me. (Well, Terry eventually got sick and blamed me, so maybe this wasn't "the best part" for her.)
A win-win for Jack, at least.
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