Friday, February 28, 2025
Having the Atari 2600 back in my life has been a game changer
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
I'm thinking of taking up a new hobby: Napping
From early December through mid-February, I worked five days a week from home while my company's headquarters building underwent some long-overdue renovations.
Monday, February 24, 2025
Yes, Ring camera, I know there's a person at my back door because it's me...again
Do you have one of those Ring doorbell camera thingies? The ones that show you who's at your door or walking up your driveway?
Or, depending on how you have it set and the direction it's pointing, when a squirrel runs by or a bee lands on a flower 100 yards away?
We just got a Ring last month. Actually we've had it for quite a while, but it was only recently that my daughter Elissa and her boyfriend Mark came over and installed it for us.
It's not that the Ring is especially difficult to set up, but there was some mechanical work involved, and we've established, it's better if you don't give me tools of any kind.
It helps, too, that Mark is very mechanically inclined. I wasn't there when he got the Ring doorbells mounted outside our front and back doors, but he probably did it in less time than it would have taken me to pull everything out of the package.
He also cooks well and is generous with his time when it comes to helping others. It's disgusting.
Anyway, the Ring has worked out fine, but at first it was more of an annoyance than anything else. It's designed to detect motion and to tell you when a person is approaching your home or a package has been dropped on your porch.
Which sounds great except for the fact that, 99% of the time, the people approaching (or leaving) our house are us.
For days after the Rings went up, this sequence repeated itself:
I would walk out the door, my Apple Watch would vibrate, and I would immediately look at it, only to find a small photo of myself with a notification reading, "There is a Person at your Back Door."
If I was headed to, say, our mailbox, my watch would again vibrate seconds later. And I would again check it, forgetting that it was going to be another Ring notification, this one telling me, "There is a Person at your Front Door" as I came into range of the front camera.
This has happened over and over, and I have yet to try and figure out how to change the motion sensitivity of the cameras. Eventually I might just turn off the notifications altogether.
Which largely defeats the purpose of having a Ring camera.
But at least I will maintain my sanity.
ATTENTION POTENTIAL INTRUDERS: Yes, there's a Ring camera there, but trust me: I'm not checking it. You're free to enter our home as you please. And don't hesitate to rip the Ring camera off the door frame and take it with you.
Friday, February 21, 2025
Having the "mean" teacher can sometimes be the best thing
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
My family refers to me as the Noo Noo...and I'm not sure it's a compliment
(NOTE: This post originally appeared here on the blog nine years ago on February 12, 2016. I remain the family Noo Noo.)
I know a lot of people are weirded out by the Teletubbies, the British kids TV show starring Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa Laa and Po. And rightly so. They're creepy, no doubt about that. They're meant to be innocent and fun, but whoever created them was clearly under the influence of a substance of questionable legality.
One of the minor characters on the Teletubbies is a little thing called Noo Noo. Or "The" Noo Noo. I'm not sure which. And I do mean "thing," by the way, because that's what Noo Noo is. It's a little living vacuum cleaner that goes around cleaning up messes. The Teletubbies at least speak, even though it's gibberish. Noo Noo just rolls around making sucking and slurping noises.
Noo Noo's sole purpose in life is to clean, but he/she/it sometimes takes things too far, as in this video:
This, I freely admit, is me. I am Noo Noo, and Noo Noo is me. When I am home, I take it on myself to clean up anything and everything: Stuff on the floor, the dishes, various messes, etc.
I will also freely admit that sometimes I clean up stuff that is not at all intended to be cleaned up.
Like, for example, there will be a glass of water on the kitchen table, and my instinct is to remove it before one of the cats knocks it over. But the person who owns the glass of water has just stepped out of the room and their cold beverage has been dumped in the sink and the glass deposited in the dishwasher. All in the space of 17 seconds while they were gone.
My bad.
On Christmas morning, I have one primary job: I walk around with a garbage bag and collect all wrapping paper, discarded bows, tissue, packaging, etc. If you don't proactively give me the paper you tear off a gift, I will come over to you and snatch it. THERE WILL BE NO MESSES ON CHRISTMAS MORNING, DO YOU HEAR ME? NO MESSES!
I don't mean to annoy anyone, but I really, really prefer having a clean house whenever I can. It makes me happier. And if you're someone whose mess-making detracts from the cleanliness of the house, I will rectify the situation post-haste.
Compare me to a Teletubbies character if you must. I proudly wear the Noo Noo badge.`
Monday, February 17, 2025
For someone who grew up in a family of card players, I don't play a lot of card games

Image downloaded from Wikipedia. By J Wynia from Minneapolis, United States - Afternoon cribbage on the patio., CC BY 2.0,
When I was a kid, any time we held a Tennant family reunion, my dad would inevitably end up at a table with some combination of his brothers (he had a bunch of them) playing a game called Oh Hell.
Friday, February 14, 2025
Here's what I will tell you about my wife after 39 years of being together

For the record, those are shadows behind my head. I did not in fact have a mullet for our wedding. Or any time before or since.
Some years ago, I remember being in our kitchen with Terry and an older woman who was at our house for some sort of business reason. Maybe something to do with insurance? Or a mortgage refinance? I can't recall, but I know she was there because we had to sign some papers.
Anyway, at one point, this woman said to me, "Your wife has left the room twice, and both times when she came back, your eyes lit up. When she talks, you look right at her. I thought that was lovely."
I didn't realize I did either of those things, but I suppose she was right. The fact is, I really, really like being around Mrs. Terry Tennant. I always have.
Well, since 1986, anyway. That's when we first started dating.
When you're in a relationship that's pushing four decades (or five, six, seven or more), you don't spend every day telling the other person how wonderful they are. It's just kind of understood.
Truth be told, our days are spent laughing and making fun of each other more than anything else. I wouldn't trade it for anything.
And that's all you need to know. I could go on and on here telling you all of the great things about Terry, but that's enough right there. I love that she's there when I wake up in the morning and there when I go to bed at night.
And all of the in between, of course.
It's a bonus that she tolerates me.
Happy Valentine's Day to Terry T., and to everyone out there who is blessed to have a Someone in their lives.
Whether or not we feel we deserve it.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Who else has had a terrifying dream about Abraham Lincoln? Just me?
but he might as well have.
Today is the 216th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's birth, which reminds me of the time I thought he was going to kill me.
Well, to be clear, I was dreaming when this happened, which makes sense considering President Lincoln died 104 years before I was even born. Nonetheless, I was pretty sure the 16th president of the United States was out to get me.
I must have been 8 or 9 years old when I had this dream. And I seem to remember it being one of those vivid, right-before-you-wake-up dreams.
The only thing I remember from it is that I was lying in my bed and Abraham Lincoln opened my bedroom door and peeked in.
That was it. Just Honest Abe cracking open up the door, leaning in, and staring at me for a few seconds before closing the door and leaving. Presumably to go back to his full-time job of winning the Civil War or whatever.
It was not an especially terrifying sequence, other than the whole thing of Lincoln being dead, but I was paralyzed with fear.
I immediately woke up and found myself with a fast-beating heart and taking very deep breaths.
Understand, this was not some demon version of Abraham Lincoln like the image at the top of today's post. This was normal, bearded Abraham Lincoln in his black frock coat wearing his trademark stovepipe hat.
Unless you lived in the Confederate States of America in the 1860s and were fed a stream of propaganda about Lincoln being Satan in the flesh, you are not inclined to be afraid of be-hatted President Lincoln.
But I was. And, if I'm being honest, I still am, somewhat.
For what it's worth, around that same time of my life, I also remember laying in my bed in fright one early morning because of a repeated sound coming from the hallway outside my bedroom door. Over and over again I heard this strange metallic sound, like a thin wire being plucked.
Once I had worked up sufficient courage, I sprinted from my bed and into the safety of my parents' room to tell them about the ghostly sound in the hallway.
Mom got out of bed, went out to the hallway, and informed me the sound was just our smoke alarm signaling that its battery was low.
It was not, in fact, President Lincoln or one of his hell minions coming to kill me.
I was admittedly neither the bravest nor the smartest child you'll ever meet.
Monday, February 10, 2025
The shock of nice weather in the middle of a Great Lakes winter
Terry and I have made a habit of traveling to Florida in February and March to visit our son Jared and his girlfriend Lyndsey. We just did it last week (Terry is still down there, as a matter of fact).
Friday, February 7, 2025
Zillow is great for stalking houses in which you used to live
Including the house Terry and I currently own, I've only lived in three places my entire life.
And all three of those places are in the same city.
I grew up at good old 1807 Harding Drive, living there from birth through age 22. Then I moved into 1913 East 300th Street, our first house after we got married. We lived there for 11 years before moving up here to Miller Avenue in beautiful Wickliffe Heights.
For my local friends, it should be noted that while "Wickliffe Heights" is not a true political entity, it is the real name of the subdivision on and around Rockefeller Road in the southern part of the city. It even says "Wickliffe Heights" on our house deed.
Anyway, the point is, there was a time not long ago when, once you moved out of a house, your chances of ever seeing the inside of it again were pretty slim. You would have had to sell it to someone you know, or at least someone who was willing to let you back in if you would randomly swing by years later.
Nowadays, however, real estate listings are easily accessible online, and they often include copious photos of the inside of the house.
Take the listing for 1807 Harding, for instance. While it doesn't contain a "copious" number of photos, there are still five shots of the interior of the house that bring back a flood of memories.
There's the living room with the big front window looking out onto the porch. The one and only bathroom in a house that at one time contained six of us. The small but peaceful fenced-in backyard.
I love being able to look at these images whenever I want. My parents moved into that house 62 years ago this month, and it still holds considerable sentimental value.
The Zillow listing for 1913 East 300th offers much more in the way of photos, many of which reveal significant upgrades to the house since we moved out in 2003.
The enclosed front porch is familiar enough, but that deck in the backyard? Yeah, we didn't put that in.
Nor did we rip out the island in the kitchen or make the dining room look so fancy.
(In our defense, we spent most of our 300th Street years having and raising babies. We were a bit preoccupied.)
This shot of the kitchen?
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
I forego a comfortable sleeping position so that our cat Molly can slumber peacefully on our bed
Having grown up a dog owner, I find cats to be very quirky. Or at least the ones we have are.
Take our kitty Molly, also known as "Fat Molly," "Floofy Molly," "Fat Floofy," or any number of other names that describe her two defining physical characteristics:
- She is somewhat obese.
- She is also a longhaired feline, with an emphasis on "long."
Molly is, like the cat in the stock photo above, colored black and white. But she's much larger than the cat pictured there, which means she tends to take up a considerable amount of room wherever she decides to park herself.
This is a significant fact for me, because as it turns out, Molly often likes to sleep near me.
What happens is that Terry and I will get into bed and spend a few minutes scrolling on our phones before turning out the light (which I realize you're not supposed to do, but I never seem to have much trouble falling asleep). Molly will often jump onto the bed and plop herself right on top of me as we do this.
She will then proceed to knead my belly with her front paws while suckling the bedspread, as if she were a kitten nursing from her mother.
We got Molly when she was very small, and the assumption has always been that she was separated from her mom much too early and has thus carried mommy issues with her to this day.
Anyway, getting to one of Molly's quirks, once we turn out the light, she will immediately jump from the bed and leave the room. I don't know why she does this, but at some point during the night she usually returns and jumps back onto my side of the bed.
Terry says she often wakes up in the middle of the night and sees me with my legs hanging off the side of the bed so as not to disturb Molly, who is sleeping where my feet would normally be.
I don't do this consciously, but apparently it's important to me that any cat who wants to sleep on or next to me not be disturbed.
Which is fine except for the fact that it diminishes the quality of my own sleep somewhat. I would very likely sleep better if I kept my legs under the covers with my body straight, rather than curled almost in an "L" shape because God forbid I nudge Molly and she leaves.
That cat really should appreciate everything I do for her, which includes not only accommodating her preferred sleeping spot but also giving her fresh food and water every day and cleaning up the litter boxes after her. Then there are the pets I give her throughout the day along with occasional tasty food scraps from the dinner table.
She loves me, I know, but I'll be honest and say I still don't think Ms. Chonks is being sufficiently grateful for all of this.
Monday, February 3, 2025
Stop yelling at sports officials (says the guy who used to yell at sports officials)
There is a story that comes up regularly in our family about the time my son Jared was playing high school soccer and got run over (like, literally run over) by a member of the opposing team.
Jared had fallen and was down on the field, and this kid – I want to say "this punk," but I'll restrain myself – just ran right up his back and stepped on his head as if Jared was part of the turf.
It was reckless, dangerous and blatantly unsportsmanlike, yet no foul was called on the play. The athletic trainer came out and tended to Jared, then escorted him off the field to rest and recover.
I was livid about the whole thing, especially about the fact that there would be no consequences for the kid's actions. So I started yelling some not-so-nice things at the officiating crew from my seat in the stands.
Just as I thought I had gotten it out of my system and started to sit back down, I quickly stood back up and aimed a very unkind remark at the center referee, who was somewhat heftier than soccer officials normally are.
(Because we're friends, I will tell you that my exact words to him were, "And lay off the donuts!" I will also tell you that I was immediately embarrassed and ashamed I said it, though it delighted our friends the Pugh family to no end. It still gets brought up whenever we see them.)
I mention that story to establish the fact that I am a hypocrite when I tell you we all need to stop yelling at officials, especially those working youth and high school games. I'm not in a position to make this demand of you.
Yet I'm doing it anyway because I hear people do it all the time when I'm working as a public address announcer at various local schools.
There was a game recently at my home school of Wickliffe involving an opponent whose fans are generally very nice and pleasant, but that always seems to have a contingent of screamers. That obnoxiously vocal minority was horrible to the three referees working our boys basketball game.
Just as I was embarrassed by my own comments years earlier, I was embarrassed for them. They set a bad example for the kids in the crowd, and they represented their school and community poorly.
They also cast themselves as a big part of the problem when it comes to why we have such a shortage of officials to work youth and scholastic sports in this country. Loudmouth parents/fans make it an entirely unappealing experience.
What people like me and like them fail to realize is that the job of a sports official is hard. It's insanely difficult to catch every infraction and to find the right balance between keeping athletes safe and making sure they as referees are not disrupting the flow of the game.
You wouldn't be good at it, no matter how highly you think of yourself.
So – and I say this as politely as possible and with no more conviction than when I said it to myself after the Jared soccer incident – you need to shut up. Seriously, don't make things worse. Just keep your mouth closed.
You won't change the call, but you almost certainly will be a shameful example for everyone around you. And you'll make it less likely that anyone with any common sense will ever want to become an official.
Thank you for understanding, and for restricting your comments only to those words that positively support your team.
And even if you're not a hefty soccer official, it's not a bad idea to lay off the donuts every once in a while, either.
About a month ago, my sister-in-law Chris brought over some old photos she found at her house, most of which were baby/toddler shots of our ...
That's my kid on the left, performing surgery on a pig. Until a few weeks ago, my master's in Integrated Marketing Communications ...
From left, this was Judy, Terry, me and Tom on our wedding day (June 6, 1992). I'm sure Judy and Tom did not see this coming when they ...